Saturday 28 April 2018

The Ford Deluxe

This blog started out with, among other things, the quest for a hot pink sewing machine. This hot rod pink and cream, Ford Deluxe fits the bill perfectly. I suspect that it's from the 1950's, but I'm not at all sure that it is. It is definitely a Japanese machine, but there is no JA number stamped on it, so there is no way of knowing who built it.
It's a straight stitcher, with a complicated looking stitch length adjustment regulating mechanism, consisting of a knob and window to show the preset length. With the tensioner on the end of the machine and the oscillating hook, it is plainly a dressed up Singer  15 clone.  As such, with out even turning it on and sewing with it, I know that it will be a real work horse of a machine, and able to sew just about anything that I can cram under the pressure foot.
This is also, the only machine that I have seen that has a built in storage compartment under the top cover. And it's pink!
This machine came to me, courtesy of Aleda Johnston, up in Lilloeet.  She knew about my quest for a pink sewing and has a friend Greg, who owned this one. She introduced him to my and blog and convinced him, that should he ever decide to part with it, I should be first on the list.
They brought it down to Surrey, and we spent a pleasant afternoon, talking about sewing machines, motorcycles, quilting and like all transplants to this province, how much better the weather is here than in our home
Thanks Greg,you can be sure that your machine has found a good a home!
Not for sale!


  1. Greg & I had a great time meeting you Steve, & Greg is delighted that his precious Ford has gone to such a wonderful home. It is a unique machine with the flip top, & in lovely condition.

  2. Wow! I've never seen this machine before. Reminds me of sherbert ice cream.

  3. I did not know that Aleda and Greg are who you got it from. I can't wait to pick up its twin in a week and a bit. Small world that both of us will have one as it is not a common item. This may just turn this GMC girl into a Ford fan.

    1. When I showed mine to a friend, he immediately said " that's a not a Ford, it's a Nash Metropolitan." Exact colour.
