Saturday 21 April 2018


Why do sewing machines get damaged in transit?
Mostly it happens because the the box gets dropped, and the head shifts in the case, which damages the base. Alternatively, impacts stove in the side of the box and the case. This is how I pack machines for shipment via the post office.This 66 in a bentwood case has a long way to go and I want to make sure that it gets there undamaged.

First the accessories are boxed and tucked into the storage slot
Next the cord and the foot controller are wrapped up with a rubber band and stuff into an old (but washed) sock

 Ditto for the case handle.
Next, strips of fabric are wound  tightly around the base and secured with layers of packing tape. The fabric protects the machine from the tape and the tape adds strength. What this does, is, in effect, lock the base and the machine together into one unit. preventing movement of the head.
More importantly, the band holds the sides of the case tight together. The joints of the case can't split because the bands hold them in compression.

With all the fabric bands in place, the socks containing the foot controller and handles are placed on the bed of the machine and lightly secured by some low tack painters tape. This tape is sticky enough to stick, but not so sticky it will take off paint or shellac when lifted off.

Next, the cover of the case is installed and secured with fabric and tape. Now the base, the head and the cover are one solid unit and they can't separate in transit. The cover key is wrapped in  painters tape and secured to the top of the case.
Now to protect the machine from impacts: First a piece of Styrofoam insulation is cut to size and scored so that it will conform to the shape of the case.

Styrofoam is compressible and will rebound to it's original shape. In the process, it absorbs the shock of impact, protecting the wood underneath.
Now a Styrofoam base and end pieces are added. More tape is wrapped around to hold it all together.
Now for the cardboard. I scrounge big pieces or sheets from the waste bin at work for mine, but basically any size and shape used boxes can be adapted. I prefer to wrap the machines so that the final result will conform to the shape of the case inside. Most sewing machine cases are wider and heavier at the bottom and this means that the machine is much more likely to travel right side up or on it's side than it is to travel upside down

The cardboard is wrapped tightly around the Styrofoam and lots of tape is used to hold it all together.

No amount of packing can guarantee,that a machine will arrive undamaged every time. However, they would pretty much have to drop the machine on it's corner, from a height of a few feet, do do any real damage, when the machine is packed like this.

Costs: generally, one roll of packing tape and 1/4 of a sheet of Styrofoam. (about$3.50)
How to do it better? Get a bigger box and peanuts and put the cardboard wrapped machine inside that. However, that can result in higher postage costs and, ironically, increase the probability the box will dropped in transit, as it could be too big to handled comfortably by posties, who aren't, (as my petite postal worker niece tells me) all big strong guys. The shipping weight of this full size was about 19.5Kg or just over 40 Lbs.........

1 comment:

  1. I love your tips about the the Styrofoam insulation!! I never would have thought of that.
