Saturday 29 May 2021

The ugly and the cool

Here we have a Baycrest vintage machine and a red York vintage machine. Both machines are pretty much the same in terms of mechanical design.

Which one do you like more? Odds are it's the York because of the color, the chrome and the styling.

The Baycrest, on the other hand, is unappealing to look at. It is, in fact the least appealing sewing machine that I have ever come across. The more you look at it, the less you  will like it.

Makes you wonder how one company can design such a pretty machine and the next can do so poorly at the task of making their machine appealing. I guess the Hudson's Bay Company, figured that bland was more more likely to be popular because it really doesn't clash with any decor.

Now, I just have to find someone to take the Baycrest off my