Saturday 24 March 2018

The Pfaff 30

This is the first Pfaff that that I have encountered and it has been an interesting experience. I drove out to Aldergrove one rainy week day afternoon and with traffic it was long trip. There was no answer when I knocked on the door. I was about to leave when a young fellow who looked like stoner came up the side of the house and identified himself as the person I was supposed to meet. Yes he still had the machine, but, there was a problem. He needed me to give him a hand to break into the house........he said that he had locked himself out.......Ever tried breaking into some one else' house in pouring rain? Ultimately, it must have been his house, because the machine was inside and we made a deal on it. The situations that I get myself into, in the pursuit of sewing machines.....

I can't say that I'm really impressed with the model 30. It's clunky. It's slow sewing machine, the motor is only rated for 2000 RPM and if you try it with a faster motor,like I did, it vibrates it self across the table if you unless you hold it down. The motor and light assemblies on this one is overly complicated. Even the spool pin assembly  consisted of 3 pieces and 2 thumb screws. It will only fit into a Pfaff case or table. I haven't figured out that the other adjustment (probably superfluous) lever on the tension setting knob does, but it doesn't seem to interfere with anything. You have to wonder why the makers took a good and simple machine and messed it up with with complicated add-ons.

That said, It sews great! Like the Berninas, it has it's little quirks. But once it's dialed in it's rock solid and steady.

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