Friday 16 March 2018

Flamingo Sewing management and organization

Like any well run organization, Flamingo Sewing has a highly organized and efficient management structure. We even have a Mission statement.....

Our mission Statement:
1. Find a hot pink sewing machine
2. Try to eat dark chocolate once a day
3. Try to keep our customers satisfied
4. Don't get fat from the chocolate

We have a Board Of Directors: A flock of proudly Canadian pink Flamingos, who guard the garden, argue about politics and and like all upper management just generally stand around doing nothing much. (but they are important!)

Quality Assurance:
We have a Quality Assurance Manager: Alice, the Cat. Alice gravely scrutinizes the servicing of every machine that Flamingo Sewing services and  sells, (when she is not chasing dropped bobbins, trying to play with the thread or napping in the case). Like all Tortoiseshells , she is highly opinionated and chatty and demanding. I figure that this makes her a perfect QC manager.

We have a uniform for our employees too. We have a Flamingo Sewing, sewing machine selling vest that was gifted to us by a concerned family member. It was felt that this would add a little dignity to our organization. Not sure about just how dignified we are are ever likely to become, what with the quest for hot pink sewing machines....but I like it and the board of directors has approved it, so we are in good shape on that front. There was some discussion as to whether or not the hat should be part of the uniform when it is worn indoors though.....

Service department:
We have a proper sewing machine tool box, decorated in French Art Nouveau style and there are tools in it too!

 Sewing machines:
We have lots of these. Some we keep them because we are still in love with them and sometimes we sell them............

 Rest assured, that with Flamingo Sewing, you are in good hands. Quality machines, great service and easy to find here in the trailer park. Just look for the hot pink mobile home with the flamingos in the yard. That's us!

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