Saturday, 22 December 2018

The Singer 411G

There are sewing machines and there are sewing machines, then there is the Singer 201, which usually sells itself with in the first inch of stitching. That first inch of perfect stitching, which makes it the best sewing machine in the world.

I recently met this Singer 411g and I am going to have to qualify that opinion somewhat. I am going to have to say that the 201 is the best straight stitcher ever built. I am going to say the 411G is a
better machine, because it stitches just as well as the 201, but can zig zag and do fancy stitches too!

The 411, which was built, only in Germany, only in 1964 and 65, combines the best of Singer's technologies at the time. It uses the same type of drop in bobbin with a rotary hook that makes the 201 such a smooth sewer. It is a Slantomatic, which gives the operator a better view of the work, uses the spring loaded hand wheel and direct drive motor which gives it superior piercing power. It uses the same reliable, multi-stitch mechanism as the 401. Finally, it has all steel drive gears, which make it very robust.

I threaded this one up and started to sew. I watched that first inch of perfect stitches come out from under the presser foot and I was sold. The lady who bought it from me, was a little more skeptical, it took her about three inches of stitching to be seduced by this marvelous machine. Everyone should have one of these...



  1. So glad you experienced the 411G, I believe the german made ones were just slightly better than the US made ones... if you were only going to own one machine this would sure fill the bill.

  2. 7 years too late but still worth saying. I have 3 201k machines of different marks and several others that I’ve collected. I used to say they were all beautiful but none would compare to my 1947 201k. That was until I bought this one (for very little money I might add). I thought I got to sewing heaven. Perhaps I got lucky and mine was in perfect shape, and well oiled, and —mostly— complete. But after going back a forth between models and brand I keep going back to the is machine. And I am amazed every time at how luxurious it feels to see with it. Not everybody likes the slant —because of presser feet and what not— but it does make a difference! As does the self tensioning mechanism, and drop in bobbin, and top bobbin winder, and amazing stitch quality. Above all, she hums so quietly and look gorgeous. Even my Berninas are a bit embarrassed next to the 411G. Without a doubt, I think I found my soulmate zig-zagger
